Infertility Definition

Infertility means you are fucked. It means that you may have to wait indefinitely for the stork to deliver your backordered kids. It means you might just die as the little old crazy cat lady that gets eaten by her cats if you out live your husband. Infertility means that you will have to watch as all the crazy people and drug addicts in the world have kids and neglect and abuse them. You'll have to zone out as some of the assholes in your life tell you "maybe it's a sign from G-d that you weren't meant to have kids." You will see pregnant women everywhere when you never noticed them before. You'll have to somehow have courage to buy baby items for your expectant friends without crying at Target.

OK I'M EXAGGERATING A LITTLE...the truth is only people experiencing infertility really know what "it" feels like and it's different for each person (couple). This blog is where I write what my inner creepy little voice thinks about our experience through infertility so far. Sometimes I might ask my husband to contribute. We'll see how successful I am in convincing him to share his thoughts.

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